2018-2019 Scholarship Application Meetings Scheduled for Arizona Parents
Join AAA Scholarship Foundation for our upcoming informational meetings for the parents of potential 2018-19 income-based scholarship recipients.
Parents will receive information about our scholarships, a paper application, tips & tricks on how best to complete the application and a raffle ticket to participate in a free raffle.
All meetings will include both English and Spanish sessions. Adults only, please – no child care will be provided.
- PHOENIX MEETINGS: Monday, March 5th at 6:30 pm – OR – Tuesday, March 6th at 6:30 pm
- TUCSON MEETINGS: Thursday, March 8th at 6:30 pm
Please RSVP no later than Thursday, March 1st:
Call: 888-707-2465 ext. 735 – OR – Email: [email protected]
Include your name, meeting date, number attending (maximum 2 people per household) and contact information.
Once your RSVP is received, our staff will call or email you to provide the address of the meeting.