aaascholarships, Author at AAA Scholarship Foundation We Make Academic Achievement Accessible Mon, 24 Aug 2015 14:41:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4 Easy Application Tips for Parents Fri, 05 Jun 2015 18:48:55 +0000 AAA Scholarship Foundation wants you to take advantage of the variety of online applications that we offer for parents and students to fill out. We want this process to be simple for you, as we have hopes that we can continue to reach more students and help children. The application is the first step towards […]

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AAA Scholarship Foundation can help Your Students Wed, 06 May 2015 17:28:23 +0000 The school year is winding down and that means parents don’t have long to figure out how to cover the balance of their child’s tuition. If you have students in your Florida private school, from low-income families, partially funded by a scholarship program, AAA would like to partner with you to help close the gap […]

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AAA Scholarship Foundation has Florida Scholarships Available Now! Wed, 06 May 2015 17:22:45 +0000 With the end of the 2014-2015 academic year nearing, it may seem as though scholarship opportunities have all but dried up. If your child is attending a private school in Florida, with a partial scholarship, there is in fact an opportunity to obtain another scholarship, helping your family close the gap between what the current […]

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Five Benefits of Donating to an Educational Scholarship Foundation Mon, 20 Apr 2015 20:22:42 +0000 Giving a student a chance at a brighter future. When students are awarded an educational scholarship from the AAA Scholarship Foundation, they are given a fair shot at success. Scholarship programs give children, from low income families the chance to decide for themselves which school to attend, one that is best suited for them. Take […]

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Why Governor Andrew Cuomo Wants to Bring Education Tax Credits to New York Wed, 01 Apr 2015 18:20:17 +0000 When Governor Andrew Cuomo presented his vision this year for a budget, he gave it the name “the Opportunity Agenda.” A large part of this “opportunity” agenda focused on education, and more specifically, the Education Tax Credit, or ETC. The ETC would allow taxpayers to claim a tax credit for education-related donations. Governor Cuomo believes […]

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Personal Learning Scholarship Accounts May Get a Boost Thu, 12 Mar 2015 19:34:53 +0000 Rick Scott, Florida’s Governor, announced a budget proposal prioritizing funding for students with special needs. This is good news for families eligible for Personal Learning Scholarship Accounts (PLSA’s), a scholarship which functions much like a savings account that allows families to purchase approved necessary education products and services. According to a press release from the […]

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The Best Time to Change Schools Sat, 07 Feb 2015 18:54:36 +0000 Every child is different, but the impact of starting a new school mid-year or anytime, can prove overwhelming; for even the most confident child. Furthermore, the damaging impact on the child may be exacerbate if the child endures multiple moves in a short period of time; particularly during the early childhood stage. “There’s a clear […]

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Review of School Voucher Program Reveals Correlation between Low-income Minority Students and Attainment of a College Degree Sun, 01 Feb 2015 00:22:02 +0000 According to a new study conducted on the efficacy of school choice on minorities in general by Matthew M. Chingos of the Brookings Institution and Paul E. Peterson of the Harvard Kennedy School, there is a direct correlation between private elementary school opportunities that are afforded low-income, minority students, with an increased likelihood of their […]

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Quinton Johnson Sun, 01 Feb 2015 00:21:19 +0000 Many of our donors and families remember Quinton Johnson. He was a spotlight student in April 2013. Quinton is a preeminent example of what can happen in a child’s life if they are given the opportunity to choose the school that best meets their unique learning needs. As a child, he experienced the “harshest of […]

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Patrick Vega Sat, 03 Jan 2015 03:17:02 +0000 After losing his father when he was only 12 years old, Patrick Vega vowed to help his mom in any way that he could. He realized that succeeding in school and being a productive member of his family and the community were the best things he could offer. Thanks to a scholarship from the AAA […]

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